Effectively Using Media in the Classroom, Part I


Course Instructor/facilitator: Brian Day bday@scetv.org

 The average 21st century learner is usually never without technology. With the advent of multimedia, i.e. videos and social media platforms, teachers can find ways to be more creative and prompt students to think critically. Effectively Using Media in the Classroom, Part I is organized in two sections. Section 1 provides an overview of using media as a contemporary method of teaching in the classroom, and as a means of more effective content delivery. In Section 2 of the course, participants will make use of the African American History Calendar (AAHC), specifically using Gilda-Cobb Hunter’s online biography accessed in ETV’s www.KnowItAll.org (KIA). Participants use the online biography via the AAHC, as well as other online resources such as the PBS Ken Burns Collection, to learn how to modify lessons to engage students as a means of learning for comprehension. (20 renewal credits, recommended for teachers of all grades/subjects)


Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Comprehend how to modify a lesson to include relevant and quality media resources
  • Practice lateral reading and other fact-checking methods
  • Explore common missteps of student researchers and how to address them
  • Practice critically examining how media is made and how choices made by the creators contribute to the way it is understood and acted upon
  • Create an instructional plan to support students in effectively analyzing and evaluating online sources as it relates to your content area
Price: $75.00