Women Vision SC: Changes, Careers and Leadership, Series I


The 19th Amendment granting women the right tovote was ratified in August 1920. As our nation neared the mark of the 100th anniversary, SCETV launched the Women Vision SC initiative to focus on issues affecting women throughout the state and nation and serve as a platform to highlight trailblazing South Carolina women who have made an impact. This ETV Teacher Recertification online course features Women Vision SC muntimedia resources, additional discussions with women leaders and special programs about the live and career of other South Carolina women, to examine the changing role of women from our past to today, provide insights into career pathways as well as relate helpful career advice, and inspire as we learn about the character, leadership and achievements of thses outstanding women. (Recommended for teachers of all subject areas and all grade levels)

This course is approved by the SC Department of Education for teachers holding SC teaching licenses to earn 20 renewal credits.

Price: $75.00